Ezreinu Services

You Have The Toughest Job, We’re Here To Help.

No matter how you look at it, parenting is a tough job. But having a child with developmental delays can be especially isolating. Sometimes it feels like there’s no one to turn to for direction and it feels like you have to blaze your own trail. Now you’re not alone.

What programs are available for my child? Which camp,
afterschool program, or social skills group is appropriate
for my child? Is there any government assistance that I’m
unaware of? What has been tried? What works? What

From assisting with school placement, finding a respite
program, or connecting you with a parent support group,
we’re here to help you, and to help your child thrive.

Find The Help You Need

Ordinary Resources For Extraordinary Children

Tired of searching for professionals, programs, and resources out there? Let us help you find what you’re looking for.

Helping Children Who Need Help The Most

Are you as passionate as we are about helping
parents of children with developmental delays?

Volunteer or get paid to provide
our special families with a much-needed break!

Join Holding Hands, the group for people like

Join text group: Text @ezreinu to 929-450-4433

Our List Of Information

At Ezreinu, we are continually updating our database so that we can provide you with the most helpful, relevant, and accurate information.

The professionals on our list are known to be sensitive and experienced with the special needs population and were
recommended to us by parents like you!

Call to receive guidance in these areas today: