Ezreinu Services

We Help Children Make Huge Developments

Whether you’re looking for a new therapist or seeking a respite program in your area, it can be challenging to find the best services for your child.

We’re not biased – our information comes from fellow parents who have been there and done that and know what works.

We specialize in giving you targeted information, taking each piece of your question into account. We do the research, so that you can make an informed decision without putting in hours of work. Call today to find the provider or service you need.

We Connect You With Parents In A Similar Situation

If your child has been diagnosed with a medical condition or genetic issue, you might feel like no one understands what your family is dealing with.

Our parent network is a way for you to connect with other parents who have been through a similar situation as you.

Talk through your situation with someone who truly understands how you’re feeling.

We Provide Care For Your Child So You Can Care For Yourself

There are often times when something important comes up and you need immediate care for your child.

Finding child care can be difficult, especially when you need someone who is sensitive to your situation and the specific needs of your child.

Our Holding Hands group is here to meet that need. Whether for private pay, respite hours, or even volunteer work, our team is here to care for your child.

Registered families can call in at any time, and we’ll b’ezras Hashem get your request covered.