Ezreinu Services

Update from Ezreinu – #2

Just over fifty years ago, the world was rocked by the infamous unmasking of Willowbrook State School, a quiet building located on secluded grounds in Staten Island, NY. The institution was exposed as an overcrowded, filthy, and unsafe shelter for thousands of lonely, forgotten children and adults with developmental disabilities. Ask anyone who remembers the scandal how many children with special needs they used to encounter during that time, whether in the street, in their friend’s homes, or perhaps at school; you’ll likely hear the answer “none”. Not because children with special needs didn’t exist, but because they weren’t yet what they’ve become today – precious family members, a valued part of our society, and a living lesson in acceptance and inclusion.

Rebbetzin Feige Twersky points out how in the bracha of Borei Nefashos, we say “borei nefashos rabos v’chesronan…” – we thank Hashem not only for creating people, but also for creating the lack. The perfection of Creation is in what it lacks; Hashem created both our hunger and the food to satiate it. If we wouldn’t feel hungry, we wouldn’t know how to appreciate a good meal.

Human nature is to notice what’s missing, but we gain more by appreciating what we’ve got: a medina shel chessed, an understanding world for our children with special needs. Over the past half a century, awareness and acceptance has become the norm and expectation, and our New York State government has provided our families with a most welcome relief package in the form of the OPWDD, an office designed exclusively for the wellness and development of our special neshamos.

In this issue, we’ll be exploring the path to receiving services from the OPWDD for our children. Even as we continue to advocate for them and speak up for their needs, let’s remember how fortunate we are that in His kindness, Hashem placed us in a generation and locale where kindness and support abound.

First off, some basic background: What is OPWDD?

OPWDD is the office for people with developmental disabilities. This office is where all regulations regarding services for people with developmental disabilities are made and through this office, people with developmental disabilities obtain their services.

Who is eligible for OPWDD services?

And now that we’ve mastered the basics, introducing (drumroll)… the process!

Attend a front door information session.

You will learn what your child’s eligibility is and what services the OPWDD can provide for your child. Call the DDRO to register. You can attend a front door meeting at any point of the application process. This is also available online.

Gather your documents (4 documents in total).

Turn in your documents to the DDRO (Developmental Disability Regional Office) for your borough.

Contact a Care Coordination Organization (CCO).

They will help you finish the OPWDD application process and help you get services for your child after your child is found eligible for OPWDD.

Complete the DDP-2 phone interview.

You will fill out a Developmental Disabilities Profile over the phone with someone from OPWDD. This will identify their strengths, needs, and available natural community supports.

Work with your care manager to finish the process.

They will help you sign and submit all the necessary documents to complete the process.

Write up the Life Plan.

As soon as you receive a Notice of Decision (NOD) you can write up a life plan with the help of your care manager. The life plan will state your child’s services, needs, strengths, and goals. The child can only receive services that are applicable to their life plan.

Ezreinu by the Numbers - This week:


Incoming calls


Respite requests placed


Follow up calls initiated

Holding Hands

A project of Ezreinu

If you…

Have some time on your hands
Love kids
Want some pocket money

Then you should think about signing up for Holding Hands!
New opportunities are posted every day, some for volunteers and some for pay.

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