Ezreinu Services

Update from Ezreinu – #10

You know when your friend is complaining to you (of all people!) that life is just sooo expensive? Matching outfits for Yom Tov, summer vacation activities, and everything else that costs in frum life…

And then she turns to you – for real – and says, “Don’t you get, like, tons of money from the government for your special needs kid?”

Ummm… How do I explain that all of the com hab hours in the WORLD won’t pay for the expenses that come with this special child?

I bought triple the amount of pants than I did for any other kid… (will he EVER be fully trained?!)

I shelled out a small fortune for the therapy chair that her OT insisted will change her life… (but of course, insurance refuses to cover such life-saving equipment.)

I schlepped him every Monday and Wednesday, an hour each way, to that fitness class his doctor recommended, to bring him down to a healthy weight… (Because, why not? I don’t have to show up to my job. Or cook supper. Or take care of 99 other errands today… Right?)

Get ready for a bombshell…

Turns out your friend was right.

Well, kind of. If you live in NY, anyway.

OPWDD actually DOES give more than just com hab hours – they can provide reimbursement for many expenses your child incurs, such as clothing, equipment, and respite, through a program called FSS.

If your expenses for this child are piling up, take a look at this list of items that just might be reimbursable.

Truth be told, some people have better luck with this than others.

Not everyone who applies gets the reimbursement – but many do.

We say it’s definitely worth a try.

This week at Ezreinu

On Monday evening, Ezreinu, together with the organization REACH, had the pleasure of hosting a fantastic educational webinar for parents.

The workshop featured Eric Goldsmith and Stephen Ehrens, financial planners at Northwestern Mutual.

Among other topics, they explained how to set up Special Needs Trusts or ABLE accounts to keep your child protected as you age. The presentation was thorough and informative, yet simple enough for anyone to understand and gain from.

Did you participate in the webinar?

Email us at info@ezreinuservices.org to receive the slides and resources.

Wanted to attend, but the timing didn’t work for you?

Email us at info@ezreinuservices.org to receive a recording of the webinar.

Identifying details have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

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