Ezreinu Services

Update from Ezreinu – #14

Recently, there’s been a buzz in the air.
Everyone in New York is hocking the latest news about the services which their children with special needs receive in school.
What’s true? What isn’t?
It’s hard to get through the heavy and confusing text, so we’ve broken the story down here into a simple visual process. (Scroll down for a glossary of terms.)

Although all districts in New York State are equally affected, the issue stemmed from the NYC district, known as the DOE…

With thanks to the Yeshiva Services department of the Agudah for explaining the above information so clearly in a public webinar.


Board of Regents – New York’s Board of Regents sets education policy for the state. 

DOE – The New York City government Department of Education

Due process hearing – A formal process to resolve disagreements between a parent of a student with a disability and a school district. 

Enhanced rate – a rate which providers get paid at that is higher than the rate which the DOE pays it’s own providers

IESP – Individualized Education Services Program. The IESP may include services such as Related Services, Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS), and/or transportation. 

Related Services – Might include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling

Providers – Any professional who provides a service, such as a speech therapist.

Proposed amendment – A suggestion to change an existing regulation

Identifying details have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

Does every babysitter in the neighborhood turn you down time and again when they hear you have a child with special needs?

You have an appointment, visiting day at camp, a party… And you can’t leave your child with special needs at home without supervision. That’s tough.

The good news?

Holding Hands is helping families like yours every day.

Call Ezreinu today at 718-750-1010.

We’re waiting to hear from you:)