Ezreinu Services

Update from Ezreinu – #12

Whether you have your special needs child home with you this summer or you sent your child away to camp, the change of schedule and home dynamics in the summertime is a tough transition for everyone.

Enjoy a bit of inspo for the days ahead – you got this!

Summertime Storytime

Summer is a change of pace, whether you work in a school setting and have the time off, or your child is off in camp.
Time to get in a good read before life takes up it’s tempo again!
Dip into the vast library available to help you better understand your child’s needs.
Here are some of our favorites:
(Most of these books are from secular sources.)
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Raising Children on the Spectrum
Topic: ASD
Author: D.M. Rosner and Amy Newmark
Hidden Gems: Our Special children
Topic: Down Syndrome
Author: Ruchi Eisenbach
Hyper Healing
Topic: ADHD
Author: Avigail Gimpel
No More Meltdowns
Topic: Behavioral challenges
Author: Jed Baker
Out of my Mind
Topic: Physical disabilities
Author: Sharon M. Draper
Pathways to Success
Topic: ADHD
Author: Joyce Meyer
Raising a Sensory Smart Child
Topic: Sensory processing disorder
Author: Lindsey Biel and Nancy Peske
The Out of Sync Child
Topic: Sensory processing disorder
Author: Carol Stock Kranowitz
Uniquely Human
Topic: ASD

Author: Barry M. Prizant and Tom Fields-Meyer

Your kid’s in camp?

This is for you 💕

With your heart in your throat and some tears in your eyes
You dropped off your child and said your goodbyes

The camp he’s attending will be loads of fun
But, as his parent, when all’s said and done

You might feel some guilt that you’ve sent him away
Or you might feel relieved and you wish he could stay

Your feelings are valid, whatever they are
It’s normal to feel when your child is far

So please don’t pay heed to the comments you’ll hear
From well-meaning neighbors (Who actually care)

You decided to send him away for the season
Remember that you had a very good reason

As your child’s parent, you are his voice
Don’t let anyone tell you you’ve made the wrong choice

Your child will thrive beyond expectation
So you can feel free to enjoy your vacation!

Identifying details have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

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