Ezreinu Services

Update from Ezreinu – #11

Remember house calls?

The good ol’ days when the doctor came to you, instead of you schlepping to him?

Everything becomes a hassle when you need to get there.

Make that a double hassle when it’s with a child with special needs.

Make that a triple hassle when said child has limited mobility.

The bad news is that nothing is changing – you still gotta go to them.

The good news is that there’s affordable and accessible transportation available for people with disabilities.

Read on to learn about transportation options that work for you and your child.

Identifying details have been changed to protect client confidentiality.

Holding Hands

A project of Ezreinu

If you…

Have some time on your hands
Love kids
Want some pocket money

Then you should think about signing up for Holding Hands!
New opportunities are posted every day, some for volunteers and some for pay.

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