Ezreinu Services

Happy Birthday, Holding Hands!

Major news!

It began exactly one year ago.
July 24th, 2023. The first day in the life of Holding Hands.
We saw the need of so many families, we saw the willingness of Klal Yisrael to fill that need, and the Holding Hands group was born.
The rest, as they say, is history.
A family simcha.
An emergency at home.
An endless Chol Hamoed afternoon.
Impossible situations suddenly became possible, as hundreds of parents of special needs children discovered the treasure called Holding Hands.
We’re doing *MAJOR* recruitment in honor of our birthday. 🎉🎉
The more Holding Hands members, the more families we can help.

Join (900+ of) us in celebrating a year of giving!

To join the texting group, text @ezreinu to 929-450-4433.