Ezreinu Services

Don’t miss it!

This Monday,

get answers to the questions which keep you up at night.

My child might have grown up, but he still depends on me for everything. Who will care for him when I’m no longer able to?

I live paycheck to paycheck. Is it really possible for me to leave a fund that’s sufficient enough to support my child when I get older?

Are there any benefits that my child will be eligible for in the future, when she can’t depend on me to support her any longer?

Well, the simple and true answer to all of these questions, you already know:

There’s a G-d.

So, do some hishtadlus and join this one-time workshop…

And then, talk to Hashem.

He will definitely take care of both you and your child.

We are proud to be partnering with REACH, an amazing referral organization run by Yachad.

See you at the workshop!

– The Ezreinu Team