Ezreinu Services

Update #25 – Baby Steps: Navigating EI services

My baby is 15 months old and still not sitting independently. The playgroup morah called to tell me that my daughter doesn’t follow simple instructions like everyone else in the group. My toddler can point, stamp his foot, and throw a tantrum when he wants something, but he won’t say a single word. You may […]

Update from Ezreinu #23 – Chanukah: Inspo + Ideas

One week to go, and iiiittt’s… Chanukah! Gift shopping, party planning, menorah polishing… Chanukah may be a seudah-free yom tov, but no one can say that there’s no hard work involved. And you’re definitely not getting out of those late nights, either. Over-sensory-stimulating parties, vacation days, sugar highs, and fire-within-reach-anxiety make for an exhausting mix. […]

Update from Ezreinu #20 – ABA for Everyday

We all want to help our children thrive. The long winter weeks are stretching ahead of us, filled with day after day of blissful routine… This is the best time to work with our children on the behaviors and skills that we were too busy to do anything about over the hectic yom tov season. […]