Ezreinu Services

Update from Ezreinu – #16

In the old days, parents just had to hope for the best when they sent their kid off, knowing that they wouldn’t get any updates until the child returned home at the end of the day. No cell phones, no communication between schools and their buses, and no way to notify anyone in case of […]

Update from Ezreinu – #15

The summer always flies by too fast… And here we are, two weeks from September. Time for Back-to-School Shopping… Again. (Don’t know about you, but just hearing the words makes me wanna crawl into bed.) Has it really been a year since we schlepped to all the stores, waited on endless lines, ordered and returned […]

Update from Ezreinu – #14

Recently, there’s been a buzz in the air. Everyone in New York is hocking the latest news about the services which their children with special needs receive in school.What’s true? What isn’t? It’s hard to get through the heavy and confusing text, so we’ve broken the story down here into a simple visual process. (Scroll […]

Happy Birthday, Holding Hands!

Major news! It began exactly one year ago. July 24th, 2023. The first day in the life of Holding Hands. We saw the need of so many families, we saw the willingness of Klal Yisrael to fill that need, and the Holding Hands group was born. The rest, as they say, is history. A family […]

Update from Ezreinu – #13

Boro Park The “Y” Address: 4912 14th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11219 Number: (718) 438-5921 Service: open swim Payment: summer membership fee Flatbush Ahava Medical Center Address: 2555 Nostrand Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Number: (718) 951-8800 Service: Aquatic therapy Payment: Covered by insurance, need a prescription for physical therapy in the poolSephardic Community Center Address: 1901 […]

Update from Ezreinu – #12

Whether you have your special needs child home with you this summer or you sent your child away to camp, the change of schedule and home dynamics in the summertime is a tough transition for everyone. Enjoy a bit of inspo for the days ahead – you got this! Summertime Storytime Summer is a change […]

Update from Ezreinu – #11

Remember house calls? The good ol’ days when the doctor came to you, instead of you schlepping to him? Everything becomes a hassle when you need to get there. Make that a double hassle when it’s with a child with special needs. Make that a triple hassle when said child has limited mobility. The bad […]

Update from Ezreinu – #10

You know when your friend is complaining to you (of all people!) that life is just sooo expensive? Matching outfits for Yom Tov, summer vacation activities, and everything else that costs in frum life… And then she turns to you – for real – and says, “Don’t you get, like, tons of money from the […]

Don’t miss it!

This Monday, get answers to the questions which keep you up at night. My child might have grown up, but he still depends on me for everything. Who will care for him when I’m no longer able to? I live paycheck to paycheck. Is it really possible for me to leave a fund that’s sufficient […]

Update from Ezreinu – #9

If you were to write a dictionary for parents of children for special needs, you might find yourself defining the upcoming special day like this: Lag Ba’Omer /LaG Bāʿōmer/ (n): The ultimate day of sensory overstimulation. Be it the stim-inducing flickering bonfire or the tantrum-triggering blasting music, it’s no picnic to get through the Lag […]