Ezreinu Services

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This Monday, get answers to the questions which keep you up at night. My child might have grown up, but he still depends on me for everything. Who will care for him when I’m no longer able to? I live paycheck to paycheck. Is it really possible for me to leave a fund that’s sufficient […]

Update from Ezreinu – #9

If you were to write a dictionary for parents of children for special needs, you might find yourself defining the upcoming special day like this: Lag Ba’Omer /LaG Bāʿōmer/ (n): The ultimate day of sensory overstimulation. Be it the stim-inducing flickering bonfire or the tantrum-triggering blasting music, it’s no picnic to get through the Lag […]

Update from Ezreinu – #8

Let’s face it – New Jersey is not renowned for servicing the special needs population. When comparing side-by-side with New York and its amazing supports, New Jersey families often feel that they got the worse end of the deal. One thing that is up for grabs in New Jersey is ABA services. No, it’s not […]